To smoke or not to smoke? Everyone decides for themselves. However, you should be aware that there are places where smoking is prohibited under current law.
The prevalence of the habit leads to the fact that teenagers start smoking from the age of 11-12. What can this lead to? Even pregnant and nursing mothers do not deny themselves addiction. Parents smoke inside their apartments, on the balconies, without even thinking about the fact that they shorten not only their lives, but also those of their children.
The main idea of the law is to use it to protect the health of the citizens of the country and to protect against the negative consequences of inhaling cigarette smoke. According to statistical studies, a very high death rate is precisely due to this addiction. However, not only smokers suffer from smoking, but also the people around them.
List of places where smoking is prohibited by law
- Educational institutions, as well as institutions associated with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sport.
- cultural establishments.
- Premises of hospitals, polyclinics, sanatoriums and other sanatorium resort areas.
- Long-distance trains.
- Vessels that provide services for the transport of passengers.
- Urban and interurban public transport.
- Hotel buildings and other accommodation premises.
- In cafes and restaurants you can smoke only on summer verandas or playgrounds.
- Places where people are crowded: the market, places of commerce, premises intended for placement of social services.
- Buildings and territories of government agencies.
- Workplaces and areas.
- Apartment building elevators.
- Territories of gas stations and airplanes.
- Children's playgrounds and public beaches.
No smoking areas may be determined at the discretion of the owner of the land or premises.
If desired, the owner can equip himself with a special place that will be intended for smokers. It can be outdoors or indoors. In the second case, it will be necessary to install a ventilation system. The law sets special requirements for such places: in a room where smoking is prohibited, it is necessary to install a special sign, which will show a crossed-out cigarette in a circle.
Smoking bans in different countries
In most countries, tougher tobacco control measures have long been in place. In the first stage, each country implements measures to ban smoking in crowded places. In almost all countries, a large fine is imposed on the offender for not complying with this law.
In America, by smoking a cigarette in the wrong place, the offender will have to pay an impressive fine. In the UK, this amount is even higher. In Greece, they are also actively fighting against this addiction, since smoking in the wrong place is subject to a fine. In Japan, the fight against smoking is large-scale, there is even a certain list of streets where smoking is completely prohibited.

The list of places in all countries where smoking is prohibited is almost the same. However, having arrived in a foreign country, it is always better to familiarize yourself with its laws separately. Smoking areas are generally indicated everywhere by certain signs. Some countries are even taking steps to limit the sale of cigarettes. The most non-smoking country is the Vatican. Since 2002, smoking has been totally prohibited here.
Most countries have focused their efforts not only on identifying smoke-free areas, but also on promoting healthy lifestyles. Defining no-go areas is humiliating for many smokers as they now have to hide and go to places where smoking is allowed. A person begins to feel a bit left out and over time looks for less and less places to smoke. With a favorable environment, all this leads to the fact that a person quits smoking.
Since the adoption of the law, the statistical indicators have already improved significantly. Not only the level of sales of tobacco products decreased, but positive changes in the birth rate began to be observed, the number of pathologies in newborns decreased. For the better, the statistics for lung and throat cancer mortality have changed. This bad habit is a powerful weapon of mass destruction that kills more people per year than any war that has ever taken place on the planet.
The state is currently trying not only to restrict smoking areas, to make cigarettes a luxury item (gradually increasing its cost), but also actively fights against cigarette propaganda in the media. It's not that often you see people smoking on TV screens and in movies.